Saturday 25 August 2018


A glass of water every now and then is very important for a healthy looking skin.Water is a natural therapy for a glowing skin and act as a big  health contributor to our bodies.
We  all know the importance of water,as it is one of the necessary component for the well functioning of our bodies,considering up to 70% of our body mass is made up of water including cells,tissues,skin and organs.

Among many other skin remedies like healthy eating and use of  natural ingredients, i rate water as the first and the biggest cure to a perfect,healthy,flawless skin simply because it works from the inside out and i believe it all starts within.
like many other organs of our bodies,Skin is made of several cells that requires water to function properly;
Water helps maintaining your moisture,replenishes your skin tissues and  increases its elasticity,which helps in delaying all the signs of skin ageing like lines and wrinkles
Drinking the right amount of water everyday increase your metabolic rate and improve digestion system  that flashes out all the toxins from your body through sweating or peeing which automatically leaves you with a  healthy and glowing skin,

From fighting skin disorders like eczema or wrinkles water can be a great replacement for expensive anti-aging treatments as it keeps your skin hydrated,feeling and looking alive while nourishing and enhancing its natural complexion;Make a habit of drinking enough WATER  everyday  and witness how it leaves your skin soft and supple plus  its way affordable that the use of topical creams,

Replenish your body with water everyday by consuming enough of it,some can  consume 1.5ltrs of water per day and some can consume up to 3ltrs or even 5ltrs(YAAY to them!!)
Drink  more and sweat it out and hey,sweating opens up your pores hence a beautiful and radiant skin..

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